Sponsoring A Child: A Gift That Keeps Giving

Philippi Children’s Centre has been truly struggling during this lockdown period. Our families come from low income areas, with many of them facing retrenchment or unemployment during this time. It is heart-breaking to think of these families being unable to pay for rent or food, let alone to cover their child’s school fees.

While our school fees are a minimal amount (only R 450 per month), many parents simply cannot stretch to continue paying, especially considering that their children have been largely unable to attend school.

While we understand the position of our parents, we are left trying to sustain our grounds and staff with little to no income – putting further families during financial stress, alongside putting the future of our incredible little campus at risk.

The PCC team knows just how many charities and non-profit organisations are currently struggling and the calls-for-help are almost overwhelming. However, if you are in a position to give, we must ask you to extend your compassion in hearing our call for help.

Sponsoring a child’s education will not only change an entire life, but it will give back to you in so many ways. Hear from our sponsor Larissa, and read how fulfilling this act of kindness truly is:

“Hey guys, my name is Larissa and I have been working at Philippi Children’s Centre for 5 months. Since my first week I spent there, I started sponsoring a little boy. When I met him we directly connected, had a lot of fun and most important: a lot of cuddles.

After informing myself about his family situation I decided that I want to help his family. Just some days later I got to meet them and never have I ever met such lovely people. From this day on me and my family started paying his school fees.

It is a great feeling being able to give a child the chance to receive important education. Philippi Children’s Centre is giving the children everything they need, with 2 meals a day and a lot of education.

One of the best parts in sponsoring a child is receiving endless love- it doesn’t matter if you are in South Africa or not. If you are not able to go there, you will get a lot of lovely WhatsApp Messages or Video Calls.

All I can say is, you can give so much with only a ‘bit’ of money.

Do small things with great love! ❤️”

We hope that each South African citizen is doing whatever they can to assist our most vulnerable communities make it through these incredibly challenging times.

We are a powerful nation, when banded together, and we believe, if you choose to be a part of our efforts, we can get each and every one of us through this.

Visit our Facebook page to meet some of our children and see the central role PCC plays in each of their lives.

Lots of love,

The PCC family.

Donation details below:

PAYPAL: Philippichildrenscentre@gmail.com

Bank: Nedbank
Account Name: Philippi Children’s Centre
Account Number: 1037036395
Branch: Durbanville
Branch Code: 198765
Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ

NPO 004 -049 /18A
PBO No 930002561